Sunset Cliffs Natural Park, San Diego, CA
I shot a wedding in California! Still kind of can't believe that happened haha
This May I had the great honor of photographing the wedding of one of my best friends! Whitney and I met our freshmen year of college and hit it off right away. We remained great friends all four years of college, rooming together having some crazy fun adventures with all of our roomies! Whitney has always been the type of person that is up for anything. She is fun, spontaneous and just one of the most caring and loving people I know. When Whitney called me up and told me Sean proposed and that they set the wedding date for May (which was just 2 months away) I was not surprised at all! This wedding was Whitney's dream. To have a small intimate ceremony on the cliffs of California surrounded by her friends and family. All she needed was her dream man which she found in Sean. The weekend of the wedding was the first time I met Sean but I could see right away why these two were such a perfect fit.
Their wedding was one of the most beautiful I have ever been to, not only because of the gorgeous location but because of how imitate it was. Each person at the reception took the microphone and said a little something to the couple. It was so wonderful to hear how much Whitney and Sean have impacted their lives of the people close to them and what a wonderful testament they are to their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It was a truly amazing day and I was so blessed to be apart of it!
Congratulations Whitney and Sean!
Enjoy the photos!
That's me! haha, I was the photographer and a guest ;)
Group shot of everyone at the wedding (minus me of course) 30 people total!!