Asbury Park Engagement Shoot

Tara & Tom {Engagement} Asbury Park Boardwalk, NJ Engagement Photography


Asbury Park Boardwalk

Summer is the best...especially if you live near the shore! I love that there are so many great beaches and boardwalks in the area for photo shoots and Asbury Park Boardwalk is one of my favorites. I had the pleasure of meeting up with Tara and Tom on a beautiful summer evening in July for their engagement session. These two are adorable together and just all around sweet people! I had a great time getting to know more about them and enjoying all of the entrainment the boardwalk had to offer, which included a full orchestra that was playing as we walked by. The day we met for the session was actually Tara's birthday so I decided to surprise her with some balloons. I found out that her favorite color was pink so I picked some up on my way over. I was so happy that she loved them and they made for some really adorable photos on the beach :) I am so excited for Tara and Tom's wedding next May!

Enjoy the photos!