I had the privilege of photographing this sweet couple last summer before they welcomed their first baby! I was also pregnant with my daughter at the time and our due dates were just a few weeks apart! Latoya & Clay didn’t find out the gender of their baby, they wanted to be surprised :) Latoya chose a beautiful yellow floral dress and was absolutely stunning! We were at one of my all time favorite locations, Bayonet Farm, and the lighting in the field was to die for. We had so much fun walking around the farm and swapping stories of our pregnancies. At one point people walking by said congratulations and we realized they were probably saying it to both of us, and thought of how funny it must look for a 9 month pregnant photographer taking photos for a 9 month pregnant couple, haha! I’ve also had the honor of photographing their sweet baby a few more times and I can’t wait to share those photos soon!