Julian & Kristin {WEDDING} McLoone's Pier House, Long Branch NJ, New Jersey Wedding Photography


McLoone's Pier House

, Long Branch NJ


Amanda Dolly Photography

Julian and Kristin's January wedding was absolutely gorgeous! This was the third time I had the privilege of photographing this sweet couple. I first met them the night Julian proposed! Julian contacted me the week before he proposed to be there to capture the night of their engagement for them :) After meeting them that night and then again for their

engagement session

I knew this wedding was going to be wonderful! On their wedding day the couple got ready at the swanky 

Bungalow Hotel

 right around the corner from McLoone's in Pier Village. The rooms were gorgeous and perfect for all of the getting ready/detail photos. After their beautiful ceremony at McLoone's we snuck outside for a few minutes for some bridal party photos. This group braved the bitter cold to get some photos with that beautiful pink sunset on the beach behind them. It may have been cold outside but the cozy, warm and inviting feel of the reception (Especially their wedding favor to the guests, as you'll see!) completely made you forget about the cold! Julian and Kristin are so wonderful inside and out and I loved photographing every detail of their beautiful wedding day :) Congratulations Julian & Kristin!

Enjoy the photos!