Valenzano Wine Wedding Photography

Valenzano Wine Wedding, NJ Wedding Photography {Wedding} Brittany & Niles

Valenzano Wine Wedding, NJ Wedding Photography {Wedding} Brittany & Niles

Brittany & Niles had such a gorgeous Fall wedding at Valentano Wine and I am so excited to share some of their special day with you! It was a perfect Fall day, weather in the 60s with sun shining through the leaves. From the get go I knew I was going to be obsessed with the details in the wedding. I mean Kate Spade Keds...adorable! And Brittany's dress was unique and amazing! The color scheme with all of the pretty pinks, gold and ivory colors fit perfectly with the soft romantic feel of the wedding. Our day took a little bit of an unexpected turn when we found out we had to make a last minute location change for the first look but it could not have worked out any more perfectly! We ended up going to Bristol Wharf in Bristtol PA, which had a fantastic view of the river as well as little paths with colorful fallen leaves all around.