We take a lot of photos to test the light in different areas of a venue so I thought it would be fun to share some of the photos we have taken while shooting weddings throughout the year. Most of them are "testing the light" photos but some are just goofy and fun :) I love looking back at all of the awesome places we have been! I need to remember to take a lot more in 2015 :)
Marissa modeling so I could test the light
The talented Allison Day second shooting for me :)
My Amazing Second shooter Marissa!
Pretty details!
testing testing
I love when the brides & grooms want a picture with me :)
My awesome assistant Aubrey helping with a veil shot
Selfie with the bride and groom! haha
There we go ;)
Pretty girls testing the light
I can't wait to take some more fun behind the scene photos this year!